
You can create galleries and portfolios using the powerful [posts] shortcode that comes with buddy. Below are a few examples of what you can do with the shortcode, but it is capable of doing much more. For all the shortcode options click here.

Gallery Example 1

2025 Age Check: Our Facebook Post Lists How Old Everyone’s Turning

Turning Back Time: A Fun Look at Aging Through a 9... »

Growing Up in the 80s and 90s: A Nostalgic Journey

Growing up in the 80s and 90s was a unique experie... »

Video Games of the 90s: Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat: The Game That Defined a Genre Morta... »

Cartoons from the 90s with Adult Humor

90s Cartoons That Sneakily Entertained the Adults ... »

Summer Adventures of a 90s Kid

Summer Adventures of a 90s Kid My early summer day... »

[posts name="gal1" cols="5" per_page="5" excerpt_length="50" meta="false" title_size="12" image_wrap="false"]

Gallery Example 2

2025 Age Check: Our Facebook Post Lists How Old Everyone’s Turning

Turning Back Time: A Fun Look at Aging Through a 90s Lens Turning Back Time: A Fun Look at Aging Through a 90s Lens The 90skids Facebook page recently dropped a status update that perfectly captured both the hilarity and bittersweet reality of growing up. The post listed the ages 1980s babies through 2001 babies would be turning in 2025, kicking off a wave of nostalgia, self-reflection, and hilarious comments from followers who couldn’t help but chime in. Here’s the original post that set the internet ablaze (embed below): “In 2025… 1980 babies are turning 45 1981 babies are turning 44 1... »

Growing Up in the 80s and 90s: A Nostalgic Journey

Growing up in the 80s and 90s was a unique experience that shaped the childhoods of many. It was a time before the internet and smartphones, when kids spent their afternoons playing outside, riding bikes, and exploring their neighborhoods—free from the constant distractions of modern technology. The Pop Culture of the 80s The 1980s were a golden era of pop culture, dominated by blockbuster movies and iconic TV shows. Films like E.T., The Breakfast Club, and Ghostbusters became instant classics, while TV series such as The Cosby Show, Growing Pains, and Cheers brought families together in front... »

Video Games of the 90s: Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat: The Game That Defined a Genre Mortal Kombat is a classic video game that revolutionized the fighting game genre in the 90s. As a child, I spent countless hours playing it with friends and family, creating memories that still resonate today. In this blog post, I’ll dive into what I loved, what I didn’t, and the pros and cons of this iconic game. What I Loved One of the things I loved most about Mortal Kombat was the characters. Each fighter had a unique design, fighting style, and set of special moves. I vividly remember spending hours mastering the infamous fatalities—gruesome f... »

[posts name="gal2" per_page="3" excerpt_length="600" image_width="450" image_height="200"]

Gallery Example 3

2025 Age Check: Our Facebook Post Lists How Old Everyone’s Turning

Turning Back Time: A Fun Look at Aging Through a 90s Lens Turning Back Time: A Fun Look at Aging Through a 90s Lens The 90skids Facebook page recently dropped a status update that perfectly captured b...

Growing Up in the 80s and 90s: A Nostalgic Journey

Growing up in the 80s and 90s was a unique experience that shaped the childhoods of many. It was a time before the internet and smartphones, when kids spent their afternoons playing outside, riding bi...

Video Games of the 90s: Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat: The Game That Defined a Genre Mortal Kombat is a classic video game that revolutionized the fighting game genre in the 90s. As a child, I spent countless hours playing it with friends a...

Cartoons from the 90s with Adult Humor

90s Cartoons That Sneakily Entertained the Adults Too Growing up in the 90s, Saturday mornings were sacred. Cartoons ruled the screen, and we’d park ourselves in front of the TV, cereal in hand, ready...

Summer Adventures of a 90s Kid

Summer Adventures of a 90s Kid My early summer days in rural New York were a whirlwind of dirty feet, scraped knees, and endless outdoor adventures. Running through fields and occasionally stumbling i...

A Trip Down Memory Lane: The Best Toys of the 80s and 90s

The Best Toys of the 80s and 90s: A Trip Down Memory Lane Most 80s and 90s kids will agree—toys were just better when we were kids! With technology still in its infancy, we didn’t have as many d...

[posts name="gal3" cols="3" per_page="6" excerpt_length="200" read_more="false" image_width="200" image_height="200" meta="false" pagination="false" image_wrap="false"]

Gallery Example 4

2025 Age Check: Our Facebook Post Lists How Old Everyone’s Turning

Turning Back Time: A Fun Look at Aging Through a 90s Lens Tu... »

Growing Up in the 80s and 90s: A Nostalgic Journey

Growing up in the 80s and 90s was a unique experience that s... »

Video Games of the 90s: Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat: The Game That Defined a Genre Mortal Kombat i... »

Cartoons from the 90s with Adult Humor

90s Cartoons That Sneakily Entertained the Adults Too Growin... »

Summer Adventures of a 90s Kid

Summer Adventures of a 90s Kid My early summer days in rural... »

A Trip Down Memory Lane: The Best Toys of the 80s and 90s

The Best Toys of the 80s and 90s: A Trip Down Memory Lane Mo... »

[posts name="gal1" cols="3" per_page="6" excerpt_length="60" meta="false" title_size="12" title_font="Helvetica, Arial" image_width="50" image_height="50" image_wrap="true" spacing="spacing-small" pagination="false"]

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